Amidst all the big drama between their bosses, Don Jazzy and Olamide, Lil Kesh has come out to take the high road, and congratulate Reekado Banks for winning the Next Rated award that started the whole fiasco. Catch up here and here. In a tweet, directed at the Mavin Records act, Lil Kesh said “This will not be the end for the both of us,more blessings and nothing but ❤️”. Earlier today he said he wasn’t concerned about the car as he can make that money in 2 weeks. He’s pretty much made it clear his gripe is with the Headies Awards.
Congrats on your next rated award @ReekadoBanks This will not be the end for the both of us,more blessings and ???????? nothing but ❤️ #REEKY
— MrMeYagi (@lilkeshofficial) January 2, 2016