Kiki Mordi’s accuser spills more dirty details about the “sex for grade” documentary role



Popular sex for grade journalist, Kiki Mordi has been accused of sleeping to BBC staff to get her role in the popular Sex-for-grade documentary.

This is coming after her former colleague called her out for erasing her name and not giving her any credit.

In 2019, Mordi and her BBC Africa Eye team had released a 13-minute documentary that exposed sexual harassment of students by lecturers at the University of Lagos and the University of Ghana.

The journalist had gained prominence in the global media landscape since the documentary, snagging a plethora of awards.

Ruona Meyer, a fellow journalist, however, called out Mordi on Thursday for allegedly taking credits for the 2019 investigation despite the fact that the project was not inspired by her.

However, Kiki Mordi addressed those claims and and shared her own side of the story.

This didn’t go down well with her accuser, Oge Obi, who further revealed that Kiki slept with “people at the top” to get the role.

She took to Twitter and wrote:

“I GIVE UP, YOU WIN!! I was a young and naive baby-journalist – 24 at the time. I was eager to please, not knowledgeable enough about the politics of these things and trusted that C wouldn’t use my exceptional skills and dumb me for someone he felt had a more sensational appeal”

“someone who played no extraordinary role to the whole thing. Take out the role I played and it would have fallen flat with no one giving it more than a two-seconds glance. God only knows what you did to make him give you such opportunity because I wouldn’t put a sexual…”

“relationship out of it, seeing as the cozied-up position I caught you two in at Alliance Francais that day was very suspect. Anyway, it’s your time, so enjoy. Honestly, my anger is with him not you. He used me, not YOU. If I were in your shoes, I would be an opportunist too.”

“So, here’s me chopping my L and moving on, never to speak of it again. If this is how God wants it then so be it. I rid myself of every hurt, every anger, every bitterness, every pain and opening my arms to receive better and more fulfilling opportunities where I’ll be valued.”

“Anyway, seeing as journalism is not really for me, what’s the easiest skill I can learn in tech and how long will it take for me to master it? Or is it rather late for me to switch to tech, seeing as I am not a spring chicken? … If you can hook me up to where I can learn it or”

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