Nigerian female act, Zara Gretti who died March 28th, last year after battling Multiple Sclerosis for years before finally given up the ghost is now missing in her grave. A NET reporter who went to Ikoyi Cemetery to see her grave in preparation of their report on her 1st death anniversary got the shock of his life when Zara’s grave was missing despite searching the whole of the cemetery. The cemetery attendant also confirmed to the reporter that she was actually buried there on the 4th of April, 2014 according to their REGISTER. The reporter said below In preparation for the one year anniversary of her death, NET paid a visit to the Ikoyi Cemetery, Lagos where Zara was buried on Thursday, March 19, 2015, and the following shocking discoveries were made: Cemetery REGISTER confirms Zara’s burial: This reporter visited Ikoyi Cemetery office, Lagos. After getting the details of the actual place her remains were interred, an extensive search of the cemetery records and REGISTERrevealed that Zara Gretti was indeed, buried at the Ikoyi Cemetery on Friday, April 4, 2014. According to the register, her grave was in Section five of the cemetery…. Curiosity was fully pricked though, when the attendant, identified as the secretary of the facility who attended to this reporter asked absent-mindedly: ‘Do you know if this was the third or fourth time that particular grave was used?’ The quick response was that I was not around when she was brought for burial; hence there was no way I could know about that….
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