“Whatsapp is the problem, not 5G”, Daddy Freeze writes



Controversial On air personality, Daddy Freeze has weighed in on the viral news making the rounds that 5G network is the major reason people are dying in their numbers of COVID-19 in other countries.

Although Nigerians from different quarters have been pleading to the government not to allow 5G network into the country, Daddy Freeze is of the opinion that the main problem Nigeria is facing is WhatsApp Broadcast message which is a notable means of disseminating false information.

Taking to his social media page Freeze wrote,

“The fear and unfounded conspiracy theories being peddled on WhatsApp are our near and present danger, not 5G.-WhatsApp has become the medium for spreading the modern day ‘Jewish myths’ the Apostles complained about and when it’s in the hands of religious and superstitious people, it becomes a looming catastrophe.

Yes, there might be some level of danger associated with a technological breakthrough, but it’s a far cry from the exaggerated claims of WhatsApp theorists, who will go as far as spreading rumors about the COVID19 vaccine being the ‘antichrist’ and all manner of utter buffoonery.

If there is anything the Government needs to ban, its WhatsApp! Let our parents rest from being authorities on things they are clueless about sef.-This same Bill Gates that has bailed us out several times in the past and has been invaluable in the eradication of malaria, has all of a sudden become an agent of the antichrist, despite his warning the world several years ago, of its lack of preparedness should a pandemic arise.

5G is the future of the internet, we must be cautious about accepting it without proper testing, but rejecting it also is perilous; Nigeria is already in the technological Stone Age, must we remain there?

◄ 2 Timothy 4:4 ►New Living TranslationThey will reject the truth and chase after myths.-◄ Titus 1:14 ►New Living TranslationThey must stop listening to Jewish myths and the commands of people who have turned away from the truth.-◄ Matthew 13:15 ►New Living TranslationFor the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’—————~FRZ-#DaddyFreeze#FreeTheSheeple#ThisYearGoRuggedO ”

See post below:

"Whatsapp is the problem, not 5G”, Daddy Freeze writes