Rami Chuene – “Getting divorced was one of the best decisions I made in my life”



SA actress, Rami Chuene opens up about her divorce after many years gone.

The star sais divorcing her ex-husband, Tsepo Desando, in 2013 is one of the best decisions she’s ever made.

During an appearance on the reality show, Kwa Mam’Mkhize, this week, she told Mam’Mkhize and her sister about her decision to tweet about her divorce and how she drew strength from people’s experiences.

“I was just saying to people that I felt likee getting divorced was one of the best decisions I made in my life. People were talking about their own experiences, and I think that was very encouraging because when you get divorced it is such a taboo thing, like ‘ Oh my God, you are a divorcee. What are we going to do?”

Rami reflected about the divorce in 2019 on Twitter.

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